Dare to dream...
As an artist, the struggle to just make enough to provide for one's self is an on-going struggle. Which is why we are waiters, and bank tellers, and so on...
I have carved for a living, or at least as a contributor to the living of a household. I have also owned and operated a Cafe which made sure there was NO time to carve. The balance of paying your bills and following your heart's desire often means working all day at the 'paying job' and working all night and weekends to do what you love. It is exhausting!
I am afraid to dream that I can do what I feel I am meant to do which is carve, create, teach, and sell to people who appreciate my work.
This past weekend however, I had a wonderful experience at the Halifax Seaport Market meeting new people and yes, SELLING my work. It is a quiet day on Sunday at the market but the people are lovely and sales were encouraging. It is another step in a long quest, but maybe, just maybe, I can dare to dream.
I have carved for a living, or at least as a contributor to the living of a household. I have also owned and operated a Cafe which made sure there was NO time to carve. The balance of paying your bills and following your heart's desire often means working all day at the 'paying job' and working all night and weekends to do what you love. It is exhausting!
I am afraid to dream that I can do what I feel I am meant to do which is carve, create, teach, and sell to people who appreciate my work.
This past weekend however, I had a wonderful experience at the Halifax Seaport Market meeting new people and yes, SELLING my work. It is a quiet day on Sunday at the market but the people are lovely and sales were encouraging. It is another step in a long quest, but maybe, just maybe, I can dare to dream.
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